Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong issued a press statement today regarding the early morning gang-related gun fight in the Carson City neighborhood apartment complexes on North Lompa Lane near Menlo Drive.
Six people have been arrested on various charge, none as of yet for the actual shooting, however the investigation is ongoing. No injuries have been reported at this time. Approximately 30 shots were fired in the gun fight, with significant property damage to several vehicles.
Here is the news release from Sheriff Furlong:
"At approximately 1:26 a.m., Carson Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to numerous 911 calls reporting shots fired at an apartment complex located at 1549 North Lompa Lane in Carson City. When Deputies arrived, they quickly determined two rival gangs had exchanged approximately 30 shots. At this time, there are no known injuries. Significant damage to several vehicles was reported.
"Officers remained on scene throughout the night searching the area and securing apartments. Early this morning, a SWAT team was used to clear one apartment where witnesses had seen suspects enter. Although the apartment was apparently vacant, alert officers discovered four suspects hiding in a nearby complex in the apartment managers residence. The manager, Jose Diaz, had refused access to officers earlier, stating that he had lost his keys. Both the manager and his wife were taken into custody and charged with Obstructing.
"No weapons were located during the searches. Deputies seized approximately 1 once of methamphetamine from one apartment, and a small quantity of methamphetamine and marijuana plants from the managers office.
"This incident marks the first significant gang-on-gang event in Carson City during the past 24 months. Since the fall of 2008, the Sheriff's Office has put into operation a full-time gang unit and expanded the team in 2009 with a regional tri-county team (Carson/Douglas/Lyon).
This is an updated list of those arrested and their charges:
Rene Garcia-Montez, 9/14/91, Misdemeanor Warrant (traffic)
Alex Solis, 8/22/81, Possession of a dangerous weapon, switch blade
Jacqueline Romero-Magana, 11/15/91, Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth); felony trafficking and possession for sale; Possession of a dangerous weapon (brass knuckles)
Joseph Lopez, 6/7/91, Minor consuming of alcohol, three felony drug charges and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia
Marina Diaz (manager), 1/20/84, Obstructing a Public Officer, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Jose Diaz (manager), 5/22/78, Obstructing a Public Officer; possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The Carson City Sheriff's Office is asking anyone with information to please contact the Sheriff's Office Communications Center at (775) 887-2010 or Investigations Division at (775) 887-2500.
— The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.