Nevada Highway Patrol from the Fernley area were dispatched Monday at around 9 a.m. to the westbound lanes of Interstate 80 just east of Orchard (mile marker 38) for a multiple vehicle accident that was caused when a commercial hauling gravel los its load on the highway blocking all westbound traffic.
The crash investigation details gathered so far indicate a 2003 white Peterbilt commercial vehicle (owned my MDB Trucking Co. of Sparks) driven by Daniel Koski, 61, of Reno was hauling a set of triples loaded with dirt and gravel was traveling westbound on Interstate 80 when for reasons unknown at this time the truck lost the load of one of the three trailers, said NHP Trooper Dave Gibson.
The content of the trailer was spread across both westbound travel lanes making it almost impassable at the posted speed limit of 70 mph. As oncoming traffic approached the spill vehicles tried to avoid the debris which began a series of crashes. In all there were a total of 21 vehicles and one motorcycle involved in the crashes.
During the scene investigation there where 7 people who were assessed on scene for minor injuries and two people were transported to the hospital for precautionary measures. The driver of the commercial vehicle Mr. Koski did stop further down the road after he had learned that he had lost his payload on the highway. Mr. Koski was issued a citation on scene and he is cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation. Alcohol and or drugs are not a factor in this accident.
Trooper Chris Meeks of the Nevada Highway Patrol Fernley Sub-Station is investigating this accident. Witnesses or anyone with additional information are encouraged to contact him through the NHP Dispatch Center @ (775) 687-0400 or email at regarding case number NHP- 140700621