Dayton will be the place for family-friendly fun this weekend with something for everyone: a morning run in Dayton’s beautiful “outback”, a huge pasta festival, hands-on learning at the River Festival, free immunizations and historical tours.
You can start your day with an early morning 5K Walk or Run to benefit local children’s groups. Next, regain your carbs at the annual Oodles of Noodles street fair for pasta lovers, and stop by the adjacent River Festival which offers dozens of interactive, free activities that both kids and adults find fascinating (River Wranglers - 775-230-0633).
Don’t miss the nearby health fair with free immunizations at Community Roots, and tours of Old Town Dayton’s historical Depot, Firehouse, Jail and Museum by the docents of the Historical Society of Dayton Valley, in full historical costumes (see their website at ).
Dayton 5K Walk/Run Benefit for Youths:
Put on your running shoes for a beautiful morning run in Dayton's "outback" on Saturday, May 14, starting at 8:30am at the Como Park near Dayton Elementary School. Stand Tall and the Dayton Task Force are co-sponsoring a Healthy Communities Coalition 5K Walk/Run to benefit local students through the Dayton Resource Bank and Stand Tall youth leadership teams.
How Do I Register?
Everyone is welcome, both runners and walkers. Early registration fees start at $10 for youths and $15 for adults. All proceeds benefit the Resource Bank and the Stand Tall teams. For more information about how to sign up for the Walk/Run, please contact Lavurne Jeffreys at 246-7550 or pick up a registration form in the lobby of the Dayton Community Center at 170 Pike Street, or find the form online at
What is Dayton Resource Bank?
The Resource Bank is a project of Healthy Communities Coalition’s Dayton Task Force that is for 3rd party referrals about student needs. Ministers, club leaders, school secretaries, teachers, bus drivers, counselors, administrators, coaches, and nurses who see a student need for any item related to succeeding in school or participating in extracurricular clubs, field trips, etc., can call Sara Ross of the Dayton Task Force at 246-7550. (Examples of needs might include lab or other class fees, class field trip fees, bike helmets, coats, shoes, band, art, or choir fees or uniforms, etc.)
What are Stand Tall youth leadership teams?
These teams to promote teen leadership skills and community wellness and to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug use are funded through Healthy Communities Coalition and exist in most high schools in Lyon and Storey. The teams lead a number of wellness and prevention campaigns in the schools and their communities throughout the school year, and participate in service projects such as coat and food drives every year. The regional coordinator is Lavurne Jeffreys who can be reached at 246-7550.
Free Health Fair:
The Dayton Task Force has organized its annual, free community health fair for Saturday, May 14 from 9:30am-3pm at Community Roots nursery on Highway 50 and 2nd, within easy walking distance of Oodles of Noodles.
The fair will feature free immunizations for both children and adults by Carson City Health and Human Services and Community Health Nursing Clinics of Lyon County, free blood pressure checks, and interactive booths offering education on diabetes, tobacco use cessation and prevention, gang prevention and awareness. The fair will also offer information on many other community groups, such as Dayton Task Force and Dayton Food Pantry, as well as health services in the Dayton region.
Healthy Communities Coalition:
Dayton Task Force, Stand Tall teams, Dayton Food Pantry and Community Roots are partners of Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey, a private nonprofit. Local school gardens, community gardens, Stand Tall teams, community task forces, and the nonprofit Farmers’ Market in Dayton are funded, in part, through Healthy Communities Coalition. For more information, call 246-7550.