The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in Impaired Driving mobilization period. This enforcement detail is partially paid for by a grant from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety.
Each year, the Labor Day holiday brings an increase of alcohol consumption, resulting in the surge of injuries and fatalities on Nevada’s roadways. With impaired driving a top traffic problem for Nevada, Douglas and Lyon County Sheriff’s offices are working in conjunction with agencies aligned with Joining Forces to boost enforcement efforts from Saturday, Aug. 29 through Monday, Sept. 7.
The Labor Day holiday culminates the end of summer, a period known by enforcement officials as the “hundred deadliest days,” as fatalities tend to increase during the summer, beginning with Memorial Day. Impaired driving fatalities have consistently been the most common cause of motor vehicle accidents resulting in injuries and death in Nevada. In 2014, four people were killed on Nevada’s roadways over the Labor Day weekend alone and law enforcement will be working hard to ensure the trend is not repeated by encouraging responsible choices for motorists this holiday weekend.
In efforts to achieve the “Zero Fatalities” goal, drivers are encouraged to know the law for blood alcohol levels and to abide by the following guidelines:
designate a sober driver before drinking;
use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member or use public transportation if impaired;
take advantage of local sober ride programs;
call 911 if a drunk driver is spotted on the road;
take the keys or assist in making other arrangements for someone who is about to drive or ride while impaired
For resources and laws pertaining to impaired driving and riding, please visit For more information on Joining Forces and other statewide traffic safety programs, please visit Follow Zero Fatalities Nevada on Facebook at, Twitter, Youtube at and @ZeroFatalitiesNV on Instagram.